Genre - Drama; Star - Elisabeth Shue; country - China; Duration - 1 Hour, 31 Min;
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Very interesting and exciting snapshot of what the average naval boat and entire crew had to endure during ww2. Movie reminds me of the game battleship. I was hoping for so much more in Greyhound. It's a great subject that deserves a great movie as a tribute to those who survived and those who were lost in one of the European theater's most important battlegrounds. Tom Hanks was the perfect choice as captain. Elisabeth Shue was also a great casting, who deserved much more screen time than she was given. But there wasn't really any character development, and the script and direction made the characters feel stilted and frozen. The special effects were also subpar for today's standards. The movie felt rushed to me, and could have used an extra half-hours worth of time to give the characters more depth and development time, especially for both Hanks and Shue.
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